Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hello the River

I arrived at Our Lady Queen of Angels at noon, just in time to hear the ding dong ding from the campanella bells. I decided to stay for noon Mass and sat with my friends, St Maximillan Kolbe and Mary Magdalan. A very inspiring Mass. Afterwards, the official FTANV candle lighting ceremony took place with an extra special candle being lit outside to La Virgin of Guadalupe for Santy’s newly born nephew. The Virgin is the FedEx request line for all your urgent business. Lunch was on the plaza, and once again  the bells chimed. It was time for me to make my way  to Kernville. San Antonio Winery will wait until I can get there with my wine tasting friends Bev and Doug.  
I arrived in Kernville at 5:00pm and headed straight to the river to say hello. The night ended with a walk over to the Kernville Saloon. I met wonderful local people who live pretty exotic lifestyles.  Upon returning to my room (time unknown), I could hear the roar of the river, so I went down to the river bank to have a conversation….

Hello the River!

So glad to see you again. You are a place of good memories and once again, here with you, I can vividly recall those memories. I think of all the children, friends, my parents who we brought here fishing over the years. There were campouts, cookouts, river rafting,  fishing, and lots of  naps. Thank you for the memories, and for never changing. It feels like home to me. I remember!

The night ended with a moonlight swim in the River and then I went straight to bed. Here is a picture of my swimming hole.

Thursday Destination: Mono Lake

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made it to you destination for your first night. You bet Doug and I will join you to San Antonia Winery soon.
